
This library loads Python data structures into typed data structures, enforcing a schema.

The main purpose is to load things that come from json, bson or similar into NamedTuple or Dataclass.

For example this Json: { 'users': [ { 'username': 'salvo', 'shell': 'bash', 'sessions': ['pts/4', 'tty7', 'pts/6'] }, { 'username': 'lop' } ], }

Can be treated more easily if loaded into this:

class User(NamedTuple): username: str shell: str = 'bash' sessions: List[str] = []

class Logins(NamedTuple): users: List[User]

And can then be loaded with

typedload.load(data, Logins)

Simple API

typedload.load() and typedload.dump() are functions to quickly load and dump data using the default objects.

They create a new loader/dumper object with default parameters, and discard it after.


The loader and dumper classes expose a number of attributes that can be customised to tweak their behaviour.

Supported datatypes

There is support for: * Basic python types (int, str, bool, float, NoneType) * NamedTuple * Enum * Optional[SomeType] * List[SomeType] * Dict[TypeA, TypeB] * Tuple[TypeA, TypeB, TypeC] * Tuple[SomeType, ...] * Set[SomeType] * Union[TypeA, TypeB] * ForwardRef * Literal * Dataclass * attrs * TypedDict * datetime * re.Pattern * Path * IPv4Address, IPv6Address


To work with other datatypes, handlers can be used.

The handlers' list items are tuples for two functions. The signatures are different for loader or dumper.

The first function returns a boolean, and if the value is true, the object will call the second function and return its result.

Basically a loader and a dumper class have no functionality (but come with a default list of handlers).

So, to add support for a new type, it is sufficient to write a function that outputs the desired value, and a function that decides when to call that.

The index() function returns the position of handlers in the list, so that it is possible to remove them or add new handlers before or after a given handler.

The pointer to the loader or dumper object is passed, so that the attributes in use for that particular object are available.

For example, if we want to add a special loader that when loading the int 42 into a string returns 'quarantadue', we can do this:

from typedload.dataloader import Loader l = Loader() l.handlers.insert( l.index(str), # This will place this entry before the string handler ( lambda x: x == str, lambda loader, value, type_: str(value) if value != 42 else 'quarantadue' ) )

Then this will happen:

In [15]: l.load(12, str) Out[15]: '12'

In [16]: l.load(42, str) Out[16]: 'quarantadue'

This can of course be used also for use cases that make sense.

The handlers must generate exceptions from the typedload.exceptions module.

Due to internal cache, it is not supported to modify the list of the handlers after the first call to dump/load.

Name mangling

Name mangling is supported in datatypes with metadata (dataclass, attrs) by having a 'name' key in the metadata.

@attr.s class Example: attribute = attr.ib(type=int, metadata={'name': 'att.rib.ute:name'}

@dataclass class Example(): attribute: str = field(metadata={'name': 'att.rib.ute:name'})

The dictionary key for 'attribute' will be 'att.rib.ute:name'.

This is very useful for keys that use invalid or reserved characters that can't be used in variable names. Another common application is to convert camelCase into not_camel_case.

It is implemented this way to avoid doing automatic name translations, that might introduce surprises.

To use a metadata key different than 'name', set the mangle_key parameter to the loader/dumper.



Quick function call to load data into a type.

It is useful to avoid creating the Loader object,
in case only the default parameters are used.

For repeated calls this function will be slower than re-using
a loader object.


Quick function to dump a data structure into
something that is compatible with json or
other programs and languages.

It is useful to avoid creating the Dumper object,
in case only the default parameters are used.